
How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You

Last Updated on August 10, 2021 by

Falling in love is a feeling like no other.

You get the sense of being at the top of the world and everything around you seems to be rose-coloured.

That being said, it can be thoroughly upsetting to know that the man you are so head over heels in love with, doesn't even know you exist!

When it comes to love, men and women respond differently to the sentiment. They have their unique ways of expressing themselves. While women might be pretty vocal about their feelings and can go out of their way to make their partner feel extra special, men might not be as easy to comprehend. And if it is a Leo man, things can get pretty confusing.

So then, how do you determine as to whether or not this Leo guy you secretly admire is interested in you? How do you make sure that he falls madly in love with you? And finally, How to make a Leo man chase you and obsess over you like crazy?

Well, before I help you with my secret tips, let's first have a look at some of the defining personality traits of a Leo man that will help you understand him better.

Leo Man Personality Traits:

Leo males may be regarded as among the warmest and most compassionate of all zodiac signs. More often than not, you can easily spot one with their lively and vibrant demeanor. The one defining feature of all men born under this zodiac is their commanding presence and authoritative body language. Going with the very nature of their spirit animal, the lion, Leo men typically possess dominating personalities infused with unshakeable confidence and poise.

leo man personality traits: leo man in love

However, at the same time, a Leo man can be extremely generous, warm-hearted and kind, and would go to any lengths to make their loved ones happy. Since a typical Leo is usually upbeat and happy, it is quite natural for those around him to mirror his joy.

Like the lion that treads the planet as the king of the jungle, a Leo man too is extremely ambitious and aims to be the leader of his pack. His magnetism tends to draw people towards him and makes him a favourite of others around him.

What about Leo Man in love?

Now that you know about the unique personality traits that define a Leo man, let us understand how he acts in a romantic relationship.

As a lover, a Leo man is pretty sensual and romantic to the core. He has a strong sex drive and likes to play the old-fashioned lover complete with wining and dining with his lady love. Leo men are extremely supportive and loyal towards their partners and rarely forget a birthday or an anniversary. On the flipside, however, the Leo man can be extremely possessive of his lady love and can easily develop feelings of jealousy.

Now, based on the psychological thinking and based on the personality traits of a Leo man, we derived a 5 set Thumb rule. Yes, These 5 Psychological rules not only trigger feelings in a Leo man's heart but also make him chase you, love you, and obsess over you forever.

The 5 Psychological Rules to make a Leo man chase you and love you like crazy:

how to make a leo man chase you?

See, you may have already seen many websites which bombard you with the same absolute awkward tricks and nonsense, which everybody knows. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life. Although these tips may seem simple, they have a deep psychological impact on your man, making him slowly fall for you, even without knowing.

1. Be real

One of the biggest turn-offs for a Leo man is someone who needs to fake their personality to come across as interesting. As such, it is imperative to be your real self to grab the genuine attention of a Leo man.

2. Make him feel appreciated

A Leo man is inherently very social and loves to be the life of the party. That being said, you must be willing to laugh at his jokes and respond to his intellect with active attention. Try to show genuine interest in his efforts to strike a conversation.

3. Be self-sufficient

A Leo man is most attracted to the kind of girl who isn't afraid to take on the world with or without him. Needy, clingy girls tend to make him uneasy and insecure. On the other hand, if you can show him that you do not need a guy to live your life to the fullest, you will certainly be able to secure an unshakeable position in his heart.

4. Speak your mind

As mentioned before, a Leo man is likely to gravitate towards women who mirror his confidence and authoritative demeanor. He will be drawn to women who are not afraid to speak their mind and have strong opinions that might or might not align with his mindset. Be a lioness and stand your ground in every conversation.

5. Be loyal

Like all men, a Leo male too craves to find a girl he can share his life with. And, he is on the lookout for someone who will be absolutely loyal to him. He needs to know that you will not break his trust or betray him under any circumstance. Also, he wants a companion who he can confide in with his deepest, most private secrets, without having the slightest insecurity of placing his life in the hands of someone unfaithful.

With the aforementioned 5 Thumb rule, you will not only make a Leo man fall madly in love with you, but also ensure that he starts dreaming of a life with you as his companion.


You want to make your Leo man chase you..

But just imagine.. what if all your attempts completely backfire and he gets even more distant.

Scary, Right? In fact, it will become the creepy nightmare and a pre-stage for your excruciating separation forever.


If you want to get your Leo man with a surefire strategy that has never resulted in failed (ever). If you want to make him chase you so strongly, that he will love you again and again forever.

Here is what to do..

Watch the Presentation that helps trigger a Leo man's subconscious emotions thus making your him feel your deep love forever..

How to make a Leo man chase you and love you like crazy?

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How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You


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