How To Get Dye Off Your Hands
Help! How do I get dye off my hands?
I was dying some fabric with Dylon washing machine dye a while ago. The gloves I were wearing had a hole in them which I didn't realise and now my fingers are black:o . I have tried everything I can think of; white spirit, surgical spirit, washing up liquid, squeezy hand soap, toothpaste, nail polish remover, good old soapy water, nothing is getting rid of it:( . Does someone have any idea what will get this stuff off?
TobyS Posts: 752
Forum Member
Have you tried Swafega? You could also try mixing liquid soap (washing up liquid is good) with granulated sugar to make an abrasive scrub. Put some sugar in a large bowl, cover your dry hands in washing up liquid and plunge them (just the dirty sides) into the sugar. Now rub them vigorously together. Rinse and repeat as needed.
Andrue Posts: 22,679
Forum Member
Is it that purple stuff you get when you knick money?
Facial cleanser has always been effective for me. But that's for hairdye, no idea how good it will be for fabric dye.
Have you tried a nail polish remover containing acetone?
When Mini Deb made herself up as a zombie - using permanent black marker pen
- Google advised removal with sun tan lotion, which worked pretty well.
alcohol usually helps - and not only for helping calm you down.
An alcohol based handwash gel (usually bactericide) or just good old cheap vodka.
If it doesnt work you can at least lick your fingers after
Have you tried Swafega? You could also try mixing liquid soap (washing up liquid is good) with granulated sugar to make an abrasive scrub. Put some sugar in a large bowl, cover your dry hands in washing up liquid and plunge them (just the dirty sides) into the sugar. Now rub them vigorously together. Rinse and repeat as needed.
I don't have any Swafega, but I tried the sugar soap scrub. It's lightened it up a fair bit, but not completetly removed it. It's better than it was now though so thank you:)
Is it that purple stuff you get when you knick money?
How do you know it's purple?:p
Facial cleanser has always been effective for me. But that's for hairdye, no idea how good it will be for fabric dye.
Will give it a go, thanks:)
Have you tried a nail polish remover containing acetone?
Yes, it's done nothing unfortunately
When Mini Deb made herself up as a zombie - using permanent black marker pen
- Google advised removal with sun tan lotion, which worked pretty well.
If the cleanser doesn't work I'll try that, otherwise think I'll give Dylon a call tomorrow, see if they can offer any more solutions.
Makson Posts: 27,268
Forum Member
I used a brillo pad before to get really stubborn paint off my fingers when nothing else would work....but as it's obviously not meant to be used on the skin, apply very gently and make sure it is well soaked and sudsy.
And generally speaking, brillo pads are amazing and every household should have them....they get EVERYTHING out:D
Tassium Posts: 31,641
Forum Member
A non-chlorine based bleach might work.
So that's Vanish powder and it's various generic forms called "Oxi".
I'm not sure of the effect on skin though.
shmisk Posts: 7,963
Forum Member
sounds stupid but clearasil always removes any kind of stain off my skin
Try Milton . It took the colour out of every item of clothes we had when we used it to clean bottles in the 80's /! No really try it diluted in a bowl and wash your hands in it , then wash well with a soft gentle soap . My daughter spilt hairdye on a sheet lately and I put a drop of Milton on it and it disappeared like it was never there .
Tassium Posts: 31,641
Forum Member
Milton (sterilising fluid) is a dilute chlorine-type bleach, like the bottles of bleach you can get for 30p but weaker.
sodium hypochlorite is what it is.
It's amazing how many different ideas are suggested that people have found to work. At times like this, I have to marvel at the ingenuity of discovery.!!
And sorry CollieWobbles, I can't best..well, the best. My only remaining solution involved a hacksaw and touniquet. One for the back burner - I hope
Good Luck !
Milton (sterilising fluid) is a dilute chlorine-type bleach, like the bottles of bleach you can get for 30p but weaker.
sodium hypochlorite is what it is.
I am not a chemist but Milton has ions removed to make its breakdown safe . So its not like the bleach you buy . Sorry the link wont work for me but google Milton FAQ's and its there to see
Disappointing thread.
I thought you were trying to dump your Welsh boyfriend.0
CRTHD Posts: 7,602
Forum Member
Onions. Chop a couple up, put then in a bowl and rub them in your hands, the dye will soak into the onions.;-)
Wool wash is suppose to be good, or toothpaste on a flannel. And l read cigarette ash is suppose to work too.
Stenry Posts: 183
Forum Member
Perchloric acid should remove it.
Vinegar, bicarb of soda, lemon juice, rubbed with a chopped potato
TobyS Posts: 752
Forum Member
The makers of Vanish are watching this thread with great interest. Watch out for a new stain removal product launching soon containing acetone, suntan lotion, alcohol, bleach, sodium hypochlorite, perchloric acid, vinegar, bicarb of soda, lemon juice and chopped potato and onions.
Tess-g Posts: 28,518
Forum Member
Olive oil gets permanent marker off skin. Might be worth a try?
There are some super replies on this thread:D. I have since tried Bicarbonate of soda, Jiff lemon, fresh lemon, facial cleanser and sun tan lotion. Only the sun tan lotion removed any of the dye, so thanks to whoever suggested it, it has certainly made a noticeable improvement, there's only a slight stain left. I don't have any onions or potatoes in or I'd try that as well . I'm a bit concerned its got under the nail and caused some damage too, as all around the nail where it's gone the most is really painful, swollen, hot and hard:o
Yay, glad the suntan lotion helped!
I hope your nails are improving now
How To Get Dye Off Your Hands
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